Starry Night Credits

Starry Night could not have been possible without the efforts of many people. All the folks at Imaginova laboured long and hard to keep things running smoothly as Clint Weisbrod, Dave Whipps, Marko Kudjerski and Ivan Pinzon surged forward on the solid code-base created by the fathers of Starry Night, Tom Andersen and Ted Leckie (who have since moved on).

Pedro Braganca worked tirelessly on content development and has produced or accumulated most of what you read (and images you see) displayed in this application. (Thanks image use licenses can be found on the "Image Credits" page.)

All of the SkyTheatre DVD and much of the creative in the SkyGuide tours is your courtesy of our producer Dave Brody and his right-hand man Anil Singh. Their skill with the camera, edit-suite, and sound-studio single-handedly produced all the moving pictures and sound in this package.

Thanks also go out to Roy Shulze for creating user-cards, overseeing constellation image creation and much of the HTML backbone of the SkyGuide, and to Malcolm Roberts under the guidance of Linda Fung for the beautiful packaging design.

As always, Lorne Sokoloff, Adriano Lo Greco, Claire Rothfels and Jim Low were there to wrestle with, production, web-design, customer support and all of the other jobs that a programmer could never hope to do properly. Without them, we would never have a product to sell.

A special thanks go out to Seth Meyers, who kept us on track despite comings and goings, schedule revisions, and much more. Thanks Seth for filling the hole that needed to be filled.

Against all odds, we've pulled together to produce another great set of products.

Thanks also to NASA, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the SAO, SEDS, Fred Espenak and Bill Arnett for information and help. Metrowerks PowerPlant Copyright 1993-1996 Metrowerks, Inc. Infinity Windoid WDEF by Troy Gaul Copyright 1991-1996 Infinity Systems. Parts of the grayscale appearance by Christophe Andres Copyright 1996 Chrisoft. The Digitized Sky Surveys were produced at the Space Telescope Science Institute.